森への誘い・金鹿の学級 Forest Invitation (Golden Deer)
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
クロード: 先生、トマシュの爺さん……じゃないや、ソロンたちの居場所が判明したぜ。
Claude: Teach! Tomas… I mean…Solon and his lackeys. Their whereabouts have been discovered.
Apparently they're lurking in the Sealed Forest, not too far from the monastery.
Rhea has called back all of the knights who were out searching to round them up.
Seems like it could take some time for them to make it back here…but she didn't ask for our help.
Byleth: なぜ秘密に? Why keep it a secret?
クロード: そりゃあ、あんたが復讐に逸って飛び出していっちまったら、困るからだろ?
Claude: Perhaps to prevent you from running headfirst toward revenge?
It's only natural that you would leap at the chance for it. Anyone would.
レア: 待ちなさい。そのような行動……私は許しませんよ。
Rhea: No. I will not allow it.
セテス: 騎士団が最も出払っている時に合わせて発見の報告があったのだ。
Seteth: This discovery comes just when the knights are at their busiest.
It is all too likely that our foes revealed themselves to lure you out there.
They are the ones who took Jeralt from you… I know how you must despise them, but I must ask you to rein in your personal feelings for now.
Byleth: 自分が行く You can't stop me.
レア: 自重なさい、Byleth。ここは私たちに任せるのです。
Rhea: Please, Professor. Do not act carelessly. I ask that you leave this to us.
Losing you so soon after losing Jeralt would be unbearable.
クロード: まあまあ、聞いてくださいよ、レアさん。これはあくまで戦略的な判断なんです。
Claude: Listen, Rhea. Erm, Lady Rhea. This move is the most strategic.
The military strategy I'm devising will soon echo across Fódlan's history. I'm sure of it.
Just think about it. Most of the knights are still far away, and we can't afford to have Seteth and friends abandon the monastery.
クロード: とすると今動かせる最も優秀な指揮官は先生で、先生には俺たちがついてる。
相手に時間を与えていいんですか? これは復讐じゃない、修道院のための出撃ですよ。
Claude: So the only person who can take action now also happens to be our best commander. It's Teach, and wherever Teach leads, we'll follow.
And since you've taught us that this sort of thing is always a possibility, we're already prepared for battle.
We can buy the knights more time. Not for revenge, but for a defensive attack on behalf of the monastery.
レア: ……Byleth、あなたはそれで良いのですね。
Rhea: Professor… Do you agree with this strategy?
レア: わかりました。では、あなたたちに命じます。
Rhea: Understood. I will give you the order.
Destroy the enemy that is hiding in the Sealed Forest…
You have the protection of the goddess on your side. Whatever happens, you shall overcome.
クロード: さ、お許しは出たぞ、先生。俺たちはやるべきことをやるだけさ。
Claude: We have our orders, Teach. Now all that's left is to pull out a miracle.